Wednesday, November 25, 2009

DXing goes on….


XR0Y is over. Team is back safely. It was very difficult to copy you. Propagation was very bad, especially for me with a hill blocking me all the west side. In the photo Vicky (SV2KBS) making new friends in Easter Island. Nice snap indeed!


TX3A going QRT this weekend. A grand finale with CQ WWCW contest. What an expedition. My favorite one with great difference from any other. Look their amazing installation and how they managed to deliver big signals around the world. By the way it is the first dxpedition ever sending the logs to the LotW simultaneously with the online logs. This is a progress. It was also quite interesting the lack of any negative comment in the cluster. It seems that they doubtless earned everybody’s respect!

In the mean times new kids on the block show up. VK9XX makes a lot of noise. Good signals in every band, mostly because their bearing is eastward. Fortunately no obstacle in this direction. So a new slot competition has arisen. I count 6 already.

Italian guys are on the air from Ghana. Their call 9X5TT. Good signals also. So there is plenty of pleasure around and the weekend is near.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The unbelievable couple

chester1 George (AA7JV) and Tomi (HA7RY). They are already in Chesterfield. We will hear them on the air as TX3A for a month or so. Two men dxpedition focused on low bands as usually. Their style is out of question. Among other they navigate by themselves across the ocean curing rig and fuel in their small boat. During transmission breaks they fish their lunch in the clear sea. They are two but so effective. If they are as successful as with Mellish reef, many other ambitious dxpeditioners should learn from them. I wish them good luck and good luck to me to work them, as TX3A is a new one and I need it badly.

More info in their page.