Thursday, May 24, 2007

50MHz Marathon

Recently I started participating in the 50MHz marathon. It is a great idea of contesting in 6m. All info is located in the page (The Six Meter Marathon 2007 5th of May to 5th of August, as described exactly). I have worked 18 different countries till now. Not a so good score but the whole fun is the competition! So if you find the idea interesting just join us.
Here they are my contacts:
date:__ time:__ dxcc:__ call:__ mode:__
10/05 1653 UT UR0MC ssb
13/05 1430 DL DQ5R SSB
13/05 1434 HB HB9ZCV SSB
13/05 1434 F F5RBB SSB
20/05 1640 SU SU1SK SSB
21/05 1520 SV SV8AXZ SSB
21/05 1523 I IZ7FLS SSB
21/05 1525 CT CQ0ODX SSB
22/05 1556 A7 A71EM SSB
13/05 1628 EA EA3IE SSB
23/05 1001 TA TA7A SSB
23/05 1714 YO YO8MI SSB
23/05 1843 EA6 EA6CC SSB
24/05 0748 SP SP9LCV SSB
24/05 0800 OK OK2KR SSB
24/05 0801 OM OM3ZAS SSB
24/05 0805 HA HA6NF SSB
24/05 0812 YU YU7AZ SSB

Monday, May 21, 2007

EU PSK DX contest

Poor propagation comparing with the previous years. In spite of this, a lot of guys participated and the party had a lot of fun. It was very nice to meet around old men members of the EPC club. I made only 181 contacts in all bands and I got 45708 points. No USA stations heard this time and very few from far east and South America. We hope next year things will go better.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sporadic E! Great openings

The most exciting ham events of this period they are the great openings mostly in 6m band due sporadic E . Almost every afternoon lot of European stations are being heard and the band is full of life. Last Sunday, 13-05-2007 I made 41 QSO using a long wire and the good old one IC-7000. I was in my second QTH and no beam was available but that turned out to be no obstacle. Later in the evening, Spiros (SV8CS) and me we went to our special location up to the hill chasing ST2A but we aren' t so lucky. Never mind, next time will be! Instead we worked a bunch of IT9's in 2m.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

BS7H challenge

The most crowded DXpedition of the year. Very difficult to work it in Europe and USA I think. Only Japan was happy I am afraid. Making alive a so rare entity it is really a mess. Lot of QRM makers all the time in the frequency and huge split rage made things worse. On the other hand I realize how difficult the situation was for the team upon these tiny rocks. Somebody said that Scarborough reef will disappear soon due to the warming effect of the planet. So it was the last chance to work it. I did it only on 17m SSB and 20m SSB so far, spending several hours of shouting. Now only two days (I will try 15m tomorrow) of operation have left. I wish them good luck and safe journey back.

PS. The contact in 15m finally done!
The snap is from the
1995 expedition.